

I am Courtney Timms, Ayurvedic Practitioner and dedicated to serving others at Holistic Health Ayurveda, nestled in Carlsbad, California.

Throughout my personal journey, I encountered profound struggles with chronic health conditions that persistently eluded the grasp of conventional understanding. Regrettably, I found solace in the temporary relief offered by antibiotics and non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain management. The frequency with which I resorted to antibiotic usage exceeded an alarming rate every year. However, fate intervened when my travels led me to Southeast Asia, where I stumbled upon an Ayurvedic clinic that provided the much-needed support in my quest for healing chronic infections, pain, and acne. Since that transformative encounter, the principles and practices of Ayurveda have become a steadfast compass guiding my journey through life's intricate tapestry.

For the past decade, I have been diligently immersed in the field of healthcare, in the role of a dental hygienist serving the underserved in medical settings and in private practice dental offices. Each day, I treat oral diseases that bear profound connections to overall health and well-being. The connection between oral health and systemic health compelled me to embark upon a path of education that would provide me with a comprehensive comprehension of the intricate workings of the human body. Drawing upon my prior experiences and the profound impact of Ayurvedic healing in my own life, it became an organic choice for me to gravitate towards the study of this ancient science.

My academic journey led me to the acquisition of a Bachelor of Science degree from Pacific University, followed by an invaluable educational experience at Southern California University of Health Sciences, where I received my education as an Ayurvedic Practitioner. This distinguished program afforded me the privilege of engaging in immersive, hands-on clinical training under the esteemed guidance of Ayurvedic Vaidyas (Doctors from India) over a period of two years.

It is essential to comprehend that Holistic Health Ayurveda does not offer quick-fix solutions for health concerns. My aspiration is to empower each and every one of my clients to assume an active role in taking charge of their own health and leading fulfilling lives. In today's society, there exists an unfortunate tendency to rely on pharmaceutical remedies as the panacea for most ailments, perpetuating a culture of instant gratification. Nevertheless, I have personally witnessed and  believe that pharmaceutical interventions do not invariably hold the key to true healing. By embracing Ayurveda, which encompasses mindful lifestyle choices, dietary considerations, a harmonious connection with nature, and the utilization of herbal formulations, our bodies possess an innate inclination to heal when provided with the requisite support. Ayurveda, as a holistic discipline, bestows upon you the empowerment to navigate your own path towards well-being, one step at a time.

It is my desire and privilege to collaborate with you on your journey towards a life brimming with happiness, longevity, and the flourishing of vitality.

With utmost dedication,
